Psychiatric assessments can be pivotal to a case, and we are delighted to offer a panel of both Adult and Child/Adolescent Psychiatrists who have been handpicked for their experience within the field of mental health.
These Experts are based across the UK and can see clients at their consulting rooms, remotely and many will travel across the country to see the client in a location preferrable to them.
Our Psychiatrists have expertise in all areas of law including family law proceedings, immigration, criminal, personal injury/clinical negligence claims and housing law matters. They are also experienced in Coroner’s cases and areas such as employment and assessing fitness to practice.
Specialisms include but aren’t limited to assessing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Personality Disorders, Autism/Asperger’s/ADHD, Domestic Violence, Alcohol and Substance Misuse, Trauma and Perinatal.
Click here to view our full list of Experts or contact us if you would like us to recommend the best Expert for your case.
Introducting The ADHD Clinic
We are proud to announce the opening of The ADHD Clinic, our sister company specialising in ADHD assessment without the wait.

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